Sharky's TV
We are back on the water slaying Spring Chinook! There is nothing tastier than fresh from the ocean salmon.
Venture out to the mighty blue Pacific with Captain John Blanchard and the Born and Raised Outdoors crew!
experienced captain's
Book with Sharky's!
Our experienced Captain’s will guide you to the best fishing spots in the Oregon Pacific! Decades of actual fish catching techniques and the best navigation skills!
Capt. John

John “Sharky” Blanchard will guide you to the fishing hot spots in the blue pacific on the mighty Cape Blanco!
Capt. Silas

Get ready for a superb time fishing with Silas! This guy has all the techniques and knows where to catch em!
Capt. Chris

Chris Wesley will take you on a memorable guided trip and load the deck with fish on the Miss Islay!
Capt. Josh

Josh Bladt is a true fish-a-holic! He shows his clients where the bite is! Get on The Eagle and fish on!