Sharky's News and Information

NOAA predicts Oregon Coast El Nino 2023 Albacore
A big weather change is coming, and albacore tuna aren’t far behind in Coos Bay, Oregon. La Nina is over according to the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, and the chances are strong that an El Nino event in 2023

Drift Boating For Winter Steelhead: A Northwest Tradition
Reaching over to turn off my wake-up alarm, I apologized to my partner Kate for waking her up so early. It’s 4am and time to get up the steelhead are biting and I am going fishing. All steelhead fishing should

Halibut, lingcod, rockfish and crab can be offered on a fishing trip in Oregon!
In the spring central coast all depth halibut fishing season of 2022 in Oregon, ocean sport fisherman can now land halibut, lingcod, rockfish, and crab on the same trip! Fisherman are applauding the new regulation as a victory for local

Six Pack Charters for your family ocean adventure
Long gone are the days when the only way to get out to the fishing grounds is to hire a school bus sized charter boat to take you and your family out for the day with 25 total strangers. Today

Electric Reels: Put fun back into fishing deep!
Reeling, reeling, and more reeling is one of the main things I remember about halibut and bottom fishing trips that I went on as young man with grandpa. It was just part of the trip and the adventure to have

Dungeness Crab Opens 2023
The season is finally open and we can combine crabbing with all of our fishing trips in the ocean. So far catches have been excellent with limits of large 2 lbs. crabs being caught while we were fishing. On a

New! North River Six Pack Vessel for 2023
Sharkys Charters, with the support of our clients, has grown and expanded our fleet steadily in the last few years to have the fastest and newest six pack vessels in Oregon. Our Captains are Prostaff for the top industry manufacturers

Halibut Season 2023 Update
Its time for anglers to start booking with us for the upcoming halibut season . Halibut season in Oregon traditionally runs from May thru September. Fishing is good to great throughout the season with limits common on fish in the

Lingcod: A Winter Fishery
We have had some record fishing days this season with limits of lingcod and rockfish common. Jigging for lingcod in depths near the coastline has been highly productive. A new technique I picked up has improved our hook to land

Spring Salmon and Rockfish
The ocean spring salmon combo and long leader rockfish trips are really going well, with limits caught on the best days. The salmon fishing will only improve as the summer nears but it is hard to imagine it much better!

World Record Canary Rockfish 11.85 pounds!
Hello friends its almost Christmas here on the Oregon Coast and the winter is upon us. Rain, wind , and a big swell become the new normal for us here in Charleston. I am a native Oregonian though and come

Dungeness Crabbing in Coos Bay Oregon
Pursuing, sustainable harvesting, and eating wild protein gathered from the land or sea is a great passion of mine that I would like to share with you. In a world of fast food, and prepackaged meals it is easy to
experienced captain's
Book with Sharky's!
Our experienced Captain’s will guide you to the best fishing spots in the Oregon Pacific! Decades of actual fish catching techniques and the best navigation skills!
Capt. John

John “Sharky” Blanchard will guide you to the fishing hot spots in the blue pacific on the mighty Cape Blanco!
Capt. Jeff

Jeff Vanderline will get you to the hottest fishing ground on the Oregon Coast!
Capt. Silas

Get ready for a superb time fishing with Silas! This guy has all the techniques and knows where to catch em!
Capt. Chris

Chris Wesley will take you on a memorable guided trip and load the deck with fish on the Miss Islay!
Capt. Josh

Josh Bladt is a true fish-a-holic! He shows his clients where the bite is! Get on The Eagle and fish on!